Thomas C Murray

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Learning Transformed: Want a Free Copy?

Hello, friends!

Eric Sheninger and I are excited to share that our upcoming book, Learning Transformed, is now available for pre-sale through ASCD! You can find more information about that here:

Here's what a few educational leaders have shared about the book:

"...Learning Transformed is both a compelling manifesto for the schools our children need now and an inspirational blueprint for how to bring them about.” - Sir Ken Robinson

“In Learning Transformed, Sheninger and Murray provide an ambitious, yet achievable, research-based blueprint for school leaders to lead the needed change in today's schools...” - Arne Duncan, Former U.S. Secretary of Education

"...Read this book to be enlightened — and to put fun, excitement, and real learning back into your school or classroom." - Daniel H. Pink, Author of Drive and To Sell is Human

“Sheninger and Murray move well beyond the buzzwords and latest hype by providing a well-grounded, scholarly book that links theory, research, practical strategies, and evidence to move schools forward...” - Robert J. Marzano, Cofounder and CAO, Marzano Research  

Interested in a free copy?
On June 12th, at 5pm EST, Eric and I will be doing a free webinar with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) on the Eight Keys to Designing Tomorrow's Schools, Today, as highlighted in Learning Transformed. NAESP is giving away 25 copies of Learning Transformed, signed by both Eric and me, to the first 25 people that register and attend the webinar on June 12th. Interested? Sign up for our free webinar, hereand attend live to be eligible for the giveaway.

Eric and I have designed Learning Transformed to be a foundational, research-based blueprint to transforming today's schools into ones that better prepare tomorrow's leaders. Therefore, the book will be an excellent one for school leadership team book studies over the summer in preparation for next year. As such, ASCD will be offering a free study guide, written by Eric and me, with questions specifically designed to guide your school or district's transformation. The study guide will be available on the ASCD website once the book begins to ship in just over four weeks.

We hope to see you on our live webinar on June 12th!

All for the kids we serve,